Health and Safety

Risk assessment and management

Welcome to the Nelson English Centre, we are thrilled to have you here! We want you to be safe at our school so we've got our health and safety regulations set out here so you can look after yourselves and look after others. It shouldn't take you too long and we thank you in advance for completing this.

If you have any questions regarding these documents, please feel free to talk with any of our staff or the hiring manager. You may also submit questions in the declaration form below.

You may download and print these documents for your own records. However, please be aware these documents may be updated in the future.


Evacuation Procedure at 41 Selwyn Place

The evacuation procedure for the Kush Building is relatively similar to the document above however there are minor changes to the duties of the floor wardens in each evacuation procedure. Please see the full document here or find the hard copy of this document located outside of Room K1.

If you have been hired as a teacher please find the teacher's handbook here .